Our Impact

Why the Y?

At the Maui Family YMCA, one of our most important goals has always been to enrich the lives of children in our community. By introducing children to experiences that will help them grow into responsible, successful adults, we make the community we love a better place to live. One child at a time. One family at a time. Membership and program fees only support a portion of the Maui Family YMCA’s needs. We need your help to ensure that no one is denied the YMCA experience based on the inability to pay. Through the Annual Support Campaign, your contribution helps us provide program and financial assistance to families and individuals in need. By working together we give our community the opportunity to grow strong in spirit, mind and body.

Volunteers - We Need Your Help!

Volunteers are the key to the success of the Maui Family YMCA.  Our staff depends on the talents and the extra hands that make everything we do a little extra special.

The Maui Family YMCA is thankful to have the support and dedication of volunteers who support our work, our values and our mission to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities.

The Y Turns No One Away

The Y is a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of race, age, religion or financial standing. Through the Annual Support Campaign, the Y provides financial assistance that keeps programs available to children and families who need them most. The Annual Support Campaign was established to ensure no one would be turned away from YMCA programs and services due only to the inability to pay. The campaign gives members and friends of the Y an opportunity to help others and give back to the community through volunteerism and financial contribution.


For more information on the Annual Support Campaign, please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Steve Scraggs, at [email protected].

Maui YMCA Car Wash Fundraiser

Every time you fill up with Ohana Fuel’s TOP TIER™, fuel-efficient gasoline, a portion of your purchase goes toward supporting local charities like the Maui YMCA! These much needed funds go straight towards supporting the Y’s mission to enhance the quality of life for individuals, families, and our community through programs that foster moral growth and build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.